Define Potential Blog

A moment to reflect, and move forward

16 December 2022

Here we are at the end of the year again.  It’s been a tough few years for everyone, but it feels like we are perhaps moving towards something that resembles an actual new normal, rather than a “COVID-normal”.  December can be a good time to stop and reflect on the past year – not to fix or change anything, simply just observing and noting it and accepting everything we’ve done and everything we haven’t done.  Looking for the wins we’ve had and accepting the losses.  There will be some wins in there, no matter how small.

People tend to put a lot of pressure on themselves at this time of year to get things done – finish that report, wind up the project, clean the windows, buy all the gifts, attend all the Christmas parties and prepare for the perfect holiday season.

It is worth assessing every item on all our lists – both mental and actual, and ask ourselves “does this all need to be done?”

And perhaps it’s time to think about our goals.  Not for the New Year, but for whatever downtime you get the chance to have over the next few weeks.  What goals need to be set to really refresh ourselves and replenish our reservoir of resilience to face 2023?

As we move out of ‘COVID normal’ into what will hopefully become just ‘normal’ again, there may be some real opportunities – to take the best of our learnings from the last three years, and rather than simply returning to how our lives used to be, incorporate a new way of operating into how we move forward. 

Whether this be starting a new job, or committing to working reasonable hours, or working from home if allowed, or spending more time with family or on wellbeing, exercise, hobbies – whatever it is that you want to bring forward into 2023.

The Define Potential team has had an amazing year.  We have delivered 556 days of our programs across five states and the ACT.  And we have delivered 2,170 hours of coaching to participants across Australia!  We have had three new employees join our office team, and we have started an intern program with three ANU students.  There have been three new grandbabies born in our extended families across our office and consulting teams.  Some of us have been or are about to travel to overseas locations – what a treat!  We had a team day at Floriade, we’ve supported the Indigo Foundation by going to their fundraising gala and came second at the local trivia night!  We’ve also had our challenges, with many cases of COVID, elderly parents needing more care, and a couple of team members are about to take off to take on new challenges. 

As we look to 2023, we are excited to focus on growing our business to provide our programs to even more people across the public sector across Australia.  We will be celebrating five years of running our business, and plan to celebrate by providing some online learning sessions so that our wonderful clients can take a look at our offerings for 2023 and beyond – stay tuned for more details.  We look forward to working with you in 2023 and making a real difference in your organisations.

For now, we are all going to take a well-earned rest.  Our office will be closed from 22 December, through to 6 January.  Some of us are travelling to family and some of us staying home.  But we will all be focusing on recharging to start 2023 strong.


Kate Neser, Executive Coach – Define Potential, Director – Kate Neser Executive Coaching and Consulting

Kate is a Professional Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and holds a Level 3 accreditation with the Institute of Executive Coaching and Leadership, and has a Graduate Diploma in Ontological Coaching with the Newfield Institute. Kate has worked as an executive coach since 2010, after managing a successful career in the public sector for nearly twenty years. Kate specialises in executive coaching, interpersonal communication and leadership and management development.

Melody Simenic – Associate Executive Coach, Define Potential

After 20 years’ experience in the public service, Melody is now working with Define Potential as a coach, trainer and facilitator. With extensive experience mentoring, coaching and supporting people to achieve their full potential in the workplace, Melody specialises in delivering results driven services to clients with a focus on enabling change. For this program Melody will deliver all of the Queensland programs.

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