Leadership and Productivity

Leadership and Productivity

Define Potential Blog Leadership and Productivity: What your people need from you as a leader. 11 September 2020 Image by Teo Georgiev for Fine Acts, licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Fires. Coronavirus. Riots. Working from home whilst home schooling kids. A sudden spike...
Self Care: an attitude, not a to do list

Self Care: an attitude, not a to do list

Define Potential Blog Self Care: an attitude, not a to do list 4 September 2020 Self-care is getting a lot of airplay right now.  Society is recognising the toll that COVID-19 is taking on our mental wellbeing.  Self-care is promoted as one of the ways we can manage...
Wellbeing in the workplace – authentic relationships

Wellbeing in the workplace – authentic relationships

Define Potential Blog Wellbeing in the workplace – authentic relationships 6 May 2020 As an executive coach – I have noticed an emerging theme amongst my clients and colleagues. The theme is wellbeing. Thoughts coming up from colleagues, clients, friends, or...
Leadership in Challenging Times

Leadership in Challenging Times

Define Potential Blog Leadership in Challenging Times 10 March 2020 “I don’t know about you… but I have been running on four months of constant anxiety”“You can see the fire from the corner office! Come and look!” suggested our office secretary as she passed the...
Trust Me…

Trust Me…

Define Potential Blog Trust Me… 27 February 2020 Recently I had the opportunity to reflect on trust and the role it plays in every relationship and every transaction we undertake.Months in advance, I booked our Christmas accommodation and, with only weeks to go,...
The power to influence: what does it take?

The power to influence: what does it take?

Define Potential Blog The power to influence: what does it take? 08 October 2019 In the words of Barack Obama…“one voice can change a room”.  Indeed, to witness a dynamic leader win over a room, or a board room table of executives, to convert the unconvertible by...