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Leadership in Challenging Times

Leadership in Challenging Times

My role as a leader is to help my team meet their objectives and thrive but I have a nagging thought in my brain… How do I lead my team when I am feeling overwhelmed and like I have had no break at all? How do we find the resilience to lead, teach, correct, influence and inspire, all while using a thread of kindness and integrity, when our energy levels are tapped out?

Trust Me…

Trust Me…

So, what is trust? The definition from the Oxford Dictionary is “Firm belief in reliability, honesty, veracity, justice, strength etc. of person or thing”. This could potentially mean that if we believe someone is not reliable, we also believe they are not honest, and vice versa. This can lead us to possible errors in judgement.

The power to influence: what does it take?

The power to influence: what does it take?

In the words of Barack Obama…“one voice can change a room”. In the world of management and leadership, the ability to successfully influence, in all directions, both internally and externally, is paramount. So what does one need to consider to become the ultimate influencer and to get the decisions you need to advance your agenda?

Middle Managers: Key Change Agents

Middle Managers: Key Change Agents

Organisational change is widespread in the public sector. Yet despite this, goals sought through change are often not met. This is often due to resistance to change. Whether you believe that resistance is good or bad, the likelihood of resistance is such that change processes need to be managed. Change agents can manage this and the most effective change agents in the public sector are middle managers.

Do you have trapped or devoted employees?

Do you have trapped or devoted employees?

Organisational commitment is one of the most poorly understood aspects of human resource management and yet, it has a direct and powerful impact on employee performance. This blog explores how commitment can support or hinder organisational performance.

Finding your inner authentic leader

Finding your inner authentic leader

The Greek philosophy phrase ‘To thine own self be true’ captures the essence of authenticity. Authenticity is about being honest and true to yourself, and being aware of what motivates and drives you but how do you discover your inner authentic leader?

The language of leaders – Part 1

The language of leaders – Part 1

Humans are linguistic beings.  We cannot exist separate to language.  Even if there is no-one else in the room, we are using language…

Middle managers – the lost generation?

Middle managers – the lost generation?

Middle managers are key to an organisation’s performance.  They are the conduit between the senior executive and the organisation’s strategic directions…

Leadership and learning

Leadership and learning

Being adaptable, agile, good at change management are all essential leadership tools.  But what does that actually mean?