Finding your inner authentic leader

Finding your inner authentic leader

Define Potential Blog Finding your inner authentic leader 19 February 2018 The Greek philosophy phrase ‘To thine own self be true’ captures the essence of authenticity. Authenticity is about being honest and true to yourself, and being aware of what motivates and...
The language of leaders – Part 1

The language of leaders – Part 1

Define Potential Blog The language of leaders – Part 1 25 November 2017 Humans are linguistic beings.  We cannot exist separate to language.  Even if there is no-one else in the room, we are using language – reading, thinking, singing, listening etc.  There is no...
Middle managers – the lost generation?

Middle managers – the lost generation?

Define Potential Blog Middle managers – the lost generation? 24 November 2017 Middle managers are key to an organisation’s performance.  They are the conduit between the senior executive and the organisation’s strategic directions, and the front-line staff,...
Leadership and learning

Leadership and learning

Define Potential Blog Blog post title 11 April 2020 Being adaptable, agile, good at change management are all essential leadership tools.  But what does that actually mean?  How do you know if you tick those boxes?   I believe that this means being able to learn. ...